
Tricksy accounting is not the outrage. Offsetting is.
As the tables are folded on COP26 one debate continues to rumble in climate circles: the accounting trick

It’s time for churches to join the climate fight
By Rohan MacMahon and Vincent Heeringa Among the many dignitaries attending COP26 in Glasgow this month is Pope

Climate VC on climate podcast
This month, Jez and Rohan featured on ‘This Climate Business’, a podcast about turning the climate crisis into

Meet Dr Jez: speed metallurgist
Dr Jez Weston is a co-founder of the Climate VC Fund. A former rocket scientist and unicycle builder,

The ETS just broke. This is how to fix it.
Sneaking through the wall-to-wall coverage of Covid this week was news of an Emissions Trading Scheme’s cock-up. Unexpected

Climate VC Fund wins climate impact award
The streamers have yet to be unwrapped for the launch party, but the Climate VC Fund has already